Solving all your tree removal needs.
Tree removal is the arborist’s most dangerous job as there is a risk to the person doing the removal, as well as other people and property in the area.
We carefully assess each tree set for removal and devise a plan for the safest and most efficient way to accomplish the task. The tactics vary from tree to tree. Some trees may require climbing up the tree and taking it down in pieces to minimize impact to anything below. Or a crane may be used when there’s no safe drop zone below.
Due to the inherent danger of tree removal, it’s essential to find a knowledgeable arborist you can trust. We have years of experience and training with difficult and hazardous tree removal.
Human beings love trees, so the decision to remove one can be a hard but necessary choice. There are numerous reasons why tree removal may be needed:
Tree is dead, diseased or suffering from insect damage;
Tree poses a fire risk (defensible space) or hazard to people or property;
Homeowner wishes to improve view,
Or the tree may be competing for water, sunlight and nutrients with larger or more preferable species of trees.
Our services include:
Our tree removal pricing includes cleaning up the wood, limbs and debris. Or you can opt to have the tree felled, keep the wood and do the clean-up yourself.
Thorough tree removal assessment and planning
Climbing and removing pieces to minimize impact below
Crane services when there is no safe drop-zone
Removing trees with minimal or no damage, even in difficult locations
Clean-up of wood, limbs and debris, if specified
We service Tahoe Donner, Northstar, Truckee, Martis Camp, Lahontan and Donner Summit.

Request a free tree service estimate.
We are eager to help you solve all your tree concerns.